Monthly Archives: October 2018

Disney Legend Buzz Price Honored With New Book Penned By Luminaries

Buzz Stories at Thirty Thousand Feet now available on

As many of you know, I was fortunate to have a brilliant and funny mentor who could make me laugh until my cheeks were wet with tears and cry with his admonition, “this sentence is an abomination!”

My friend, David Price, son of the late Harrison “Buzz” Price asked about ten of Buzz’s closet inner circle to write a love song to Buzz.  The result is a new book about his father titled Buzz Stories at Thirty Thousand Feet.  My chapter is about coming of age in the era of white men 

Buzz was best known as the man who figured out, by mathematical formulas, where best to build both California’s Disneyland and later, Walt Disney World In Florida. He was honored for his achievement with Disney’s highest honors, a “Legend” award as well as a “Window on Main Street, U.S.A.”

Part memoir, part consulting primer, and part love story, Buzz Stories at Thirty Thousand Feet contains stories written by those with whom he shared his intelligence, humor, passion and wit. Each chapter stands on its own as a tribute to a well-rounded, intelligent, one-of-a-kind pioneer who saw numbers as a means to an end.